Kronos Equities operates under the structure of a traditional search fund, spearheaded by an individual who collaborates with a select group of like-minded investors, some of whom also serve as mentors. Together, they embark on a quest to identify, purchase, and manage a privately held company. Notably, Kronos Equities' investors boast a track record of successfully acquiring, operating, and expanding businesses.
Each investor has committed a discretionary sum to the fund, earmarked for covering operational expenses associated with identifying promising business opportunities. This investment grants them the chance to partake in equity financing upon discovery of a suitable business. Upon acquisition, the expectation is for Joba to transition from the role of search fund operator to that of CEO within the acquired company, with certain investors assuming advisory positions.
With patient capital at our disposal, we adopt a strategic approach focused on long-term value creation. Kronos Equities prides itself on offering flexible deal terms tailored to accommodate the objectives of both sellers and the outstanding companies they have nurtured.